lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011
The Educational system
This situation affects to all, and this university as a “public establishment” must has an important task.
In my case, I always try to be informed about the new strikes and the causes of the movement, the last Thursday I went to the demonstrations and it was impressive the amount of students that express his disagreement with the actual educational system. Its different be there, and not only see the T.V. news about the demonstrations, the sensationalistic press is what sell, and is always trying to distort the real cause of the movement.
I really hope the government can listen the student’s requirements, and try to change this situation, if we want to restructure the actual system must know the power of private hands and they are going to do the impossible to keep the actual situation.
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011
The reason I choose this page above others, like, is because this blog is constantly refreshing with new material, and it’s obviously more serious than the, wish I visit constantly too for his sense of humor and his critical point of view of the politics. Another thing that I like from this page it’s the improvement and the quality of his material, because there is no other Chilean web site that gave you this kind of information and it’s very necessary that the citizens have the chance to know wish are the impacts of the urban decisions in your lifestyle and how can you participe to chance this.
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011
"you know i'm no good" Amy Winehouse
I think that this singer can really express the situation and his feelings through the music. And an important fact it’s that his music is supported by his voice, wish has a unique tone, identifiable in anywhere. Also his way to dress and his attitude on the stage complete the show.
In this post I only centered in his work, because outside of the stage his attitude has been very discussed. Related with drugs and public scandals.
jueves, 21 de abril de 2011
Nicole's Correction post
My husband: The Ipod
I have always been a music lover, since I was a child I've been collecting cassettes, vinyls and CDs, every time i (NA) ( I ) had some money i (NA) used to go immediately to the music shop and buy discs or whatever I could find related to the music i (NA) liked.
When I was a teenager my grandmother gave me my first Sony Walkman CD player P , and since then, I couldn't stop carrying my CDs in a huge case everywhere. What a task! The fact is that i actually never really cared much about it, i had my music wherever and whenever i wanted but the only thing i hated about it was that i never had enough room to put all of my music, so at the beginning of every week i used to choose the CDs i wanted to play from Monday to Sunday...
When the Mp3 trend started i hated it, the music quality was the worst ever! i was so used to my CD player that i never bought an mp3 until one day i heard about the Ipods and the mp4 new stuff... 30 GB of music in a tiny little thing? Unbelievable!! So P when I went to the USA i tried one of them and it sounded great, not like the old mp3s! I bought one immediately and since then i (ʎ) ( had ) never stopped listening to my music,P ( . )all of my music, videos and pictures in one! I've been using Ipods since 2005 and i absolutely love it, I consider myself an addicted to ipods. Now i own an Ipod Touch, but it's the same...i couldn't go back to the old days and carry my music in a huge case, there's no way I’m doing that! The only thing that hasn't really changed is that i still buying music in shops because of the sound quality, which for me is really important.
I love my ipod, I couldn’t live without it!
That’s it, my most beloved piece of technology!
See you guys!
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011
The Notebook
I have a few favourite technology pieces, like the mp3 player, celphone, pendrive, and notebook. But I think that the notebook win the prize of the best technology piece. The reason it´s simple, we spend a lot of time in the university and we have to be the most efficient person that we can. So the time is precious in the career and if there is some time to work there is the notebook to give us a hand.
I bought it in a commercial house near to my home, in the temple of consumerism, the mall, for a considered price. It’s all ready past a year since I got it and I’m not very convinced of his quality, maybe I could search for more alternatives before a bought it. Anyway, this piece, until now, it’s working ok. And it’s a very useful tool, not only to work for the university, I also use it to watch the news, view some films, series and football matches, chat, etc. And you can carry on to any place.
Since this piece was invented, it’s become very more productive our stage in the university, because you can start to work in any place that have a plug to connect. So if this tool doesn´t exist I think that we will have less time to do something else.
miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011
AYSÉN, the chilean Patagonia

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
First Class!
I'll try show in this blog some of my interest, as an introduction, obviously i like the best sport that exist, the football...
Let´s see how is the develpment of the class..