miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


I think that plataformaurbana.cl it’s my favourite web site, and I discovered when I started to search some information about urban architecture and the actual situation on this materia in our country. First I found plataformaarquitectura.cl and then this page, wish in my opinion it’s very more interesting if we focus on the impact of an urban planning in the citizens, more than the architectonic object. So the moment I found it I put it on my list of favourites pages that appears when you start navigate, and I try to visit every day to be informed of any news.

The reason I choose this page above others, like theclinic.cl, is because this blog is constantly refreshing with new material, and it’s obviously more serious than the theclinic.cl, wish I visit constantly too for his sense of humor and his critical point of view of the politics. Another thing that I like from this page plataformaurbana.cl it’s the improvement and the quality of his material, because there is no other Chilean web site that gave you this kind of information and it’s very necessary that the citizens have the chance to know wish are the impacts of the urban decisions in your lifestyle and how can you participe to chance this.

1 comentario:

  1. nice to hear you like websites like these
    its a really good way to connect to real problems in the actual city and getting to know the new proporsal to afront them!
